Monday, 2 December 2019


Programs on Python Strings
Q1. Write Python script to input a string and a character and count the number of occurrences of the character in the string.
Q2. Write Python script to input a string and display it in reverse order.
Q3. Write Python script to input a string and check whether it is a palindrome or not.
Q4. Write Python script to input a string and count the number of words in it.
Q5. Write Python script to input a string and count the number of words beginning with ‘A; or ‘a’.
Q6. Write Python script to input a string and replace the first letter of every word to uppercase and then display it.
Q7. Write Python script to input a string and replace all occurrences of the word ‘the’ with ‘that’.
Q8. Write Python script to input a string and count and display the number of capital alphabets, small alphabets and numbers.
Q9. Write a program to read a line of strings and count total no. of uppercase and lowercase characters.
Q10. Write  program to input the line of strings and replace each uppercase alphabet with '*' symbol and each lowercase character with '@'

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